Game contest rules

Game contest rules
The company Jean Louis Fourès with capital of €1,000,000, SAS, whose head office is located at 27 rue Gay Lussac - 81300 Graulhet, registered in the Castres Trade Register under number RCS B-340-234-079 (hereinafter referred to as "Ateliers Fourès" or "the Organizer") is organizing a competition (hereinafter referred to as the "Game") from September 16, 2024 to November 21, 2024 via the registration form entitled "Try to win an Ateliers Fourès bag" for new subscribers to the Newsletter.
The Game is accessible via a pop-up that appears when opening any page of the website www.ateliersfoures.fr. The game is free and is open to any natural person of legal age, excluding Jean Louis Fourès staff and its partner companies.
The Game is subject to French law.
Ateliers Fourès may, at any time and without notice, modify, suspend, terminate or extend this Game, in whole or in part, provided that these actions do not prejudice the rights of participants already registered. The same applies in the event of an exceptional event or attempted fraud. Its liability cannot be incurred as a result.
The Game is open from September 16, 2024 to November 21, 2024, 11:59 p.m., French time. The draw will take place on Friday, November 22, 2024. The Winner will be contacted by email, at the address used to play.
Game Progress
To be eligible, the Participant must go to https://ateliersfoures.fr/ and complete the participation form that appears in a pop-up.
The Participant must provide a valid email address and their first name, then click on "I'M TRYING MY LUCK". Any incorrect, illegible or incomplete email address will result in the Participant being disqualified.
By registering for the Game, the Participant is automatically subscribed to the Ateliers Fourès newsletter. He/she may unsubscribe at any time, but must be registered at the time of the draw to be eligible for the Game.
Conditions of participation
All Participants subscribing to the newsletter for the first time are eligible.
Each Participant may only play the Competition once.
A participant who has already subscribed, unsubscribes and resubscribes will not be eligible.
Ateliers Fourès reserves the right to modify, postpone or cancel all or part of the Game if it appears that fraud has occurred in any form whatsoever.
If the Participant drawn has participated several times, Ateliers Fourès reserves the right not to award the gift voucher to the fraudster. A new Participant will then be drawn.
Participation in the Game implies acceptance of these Rules.
1 winner will receive the Ateliers Fourès bag of their choice, up to a maximum value of €250. If the winner would rather receive a wallet, they can choose one from the current catalogue, with a maximum value of €250.
The prize may not give rise to any dispute, nor to the delivery of its cash equivalent, nor to its exchange or replacement. If the value of the prize chosen by the Winner is less than €250, there will be no cash delivery of the remaining amount.
The winner will be able to choose the product of his choice from the products available on the site. If the winner wants a product whose value is greater than €250, he will then be able to complete the amount using a credit card payment.
The Winner will be contacted by email, at the address used to play. He will then have 30 days to claim his winnings. Beyond this period, the winnings will be cancelled.
General information
Participants are reminded of the characteristics and limitations of the Internet network and that it is the responsibility of each Internet user to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet. Ateliers Fourès declines all responsibility for the consequences of the Participants' connection to the Internet network when participating in the Game.
Similarly, Ateliers Fourès cannot be held responsible in the event that Participants are unable to connect to the Game site due to a technical fault in the Internet network or network congestion.
Information technology and freedoms
The personal data of Participants collected during participation in the Game are subject to computerized processing by Ateliers Fourès, under its responsibility, for the purpose of managing participation in the Game, designating the winner and sending them their prize.
Ateliers Fourès will use this data for promotional purposes, including sending newsletters, product information, temporary offers, etc. Personal data is processed to meet these needs and kept for the time necessary for their execution.
Under no circumstances will the information be transmitted to third parties, except with the prior agreement of the Participants.
In accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions, in particular Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended, relating to information technology, files and freedoms and European Regulation No. 2016/679/EU of 27 April 2016, the User has the right to access, rectify, port and erase their data or limit processing. They may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning them.
To exercise these rights, the User must send a request to the postal address Ateliers Fourès - Service web, 27 rue Gay Lussac 81300 Graulhet or by email to contact@ateliersfoures.fr indicating his/her name, first name and email address. Ateliers Fourès may ask the User to prove his/her identity, by attaching to his/her request any necessary document, in particular a copy of his/her identity card or passport.
The rules are available at https://ateliersfoures.fr/pages/reglement-du-jeu