Legal Terms

Legal Terms
- Identification –
Corporate name JEAN LOUIS FOURES
Share capital €1,000,000
Head office 27 avenue Gay Lussac, 81300 Graulhet
Head office telephone: 05 63 34 79 26
Email: info@lesateliersfoures.fr
RCS number: Castres B-340-234-079
VAT number: FR58340234079
Hosting : SHOPIFY, Shopify Inc., 126 York St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 5T5, Canada
All of the content of the www.ateliersfoures.fr site (illustrations, texts, labels, brands, images, videos) is the property of JEAN LOUIS FOURES. Any reproduction is strictly forbidden.

- Internet network –
It is recalled that the secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the Internet network and that it is up to each Internet user to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by possible viruses circulating on the Internet.